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31.12.2006 12:53

Oke, but the problem with the FIBT is they don't still bring the sport in a professional way. The sport can bring a lot more attention. But if the old guys still there, it will be not changed. Looke like luge, they have a professional system and a lot of year a genaral sponsor for their Welt Cup.

31.12.2006 12:01

ARD und ZDF zeigen aber Zusammenfassungen

31.12.2006 08:46

Eurosport has lost the rights to broadcast bobsleigh. There German rights have gone to the pay TV station "Arena".

31.12.2006 02:41

Do somebody the real reason why bobsleigh is not on Eurosport. It's a big shame, again mismanagement of the FIBT. They still noy bring the sport on a professional marketing concept!